How Does Instagram Algorithm Work?

  • 6 Jun, 2018
  • 38 Comment      2.9k Views

Instagram has changed the way people used to browse on social media platforms. Seeing the success of this image and video sharing portal, it is clear that people are enjoying it more than conventional photo based social media platforms. However, when you use Instagram, you may wonder at times on how Instagram works or how does Instagram’s algorithm work and show the content that you really like. Well, if you are curious about Instagram’s inner workings, we’re going to help you elevate your profile by sharing some of the interesting steps that algorithm follows

1. Engagement: Do you wonder, why there are some posts that is visible on everyone’s feed at the top, while the other post is almost disappeared? Well, the Instagram’s algorithm is responsible to make your posts visible on top or disappear it for all. Algorithm shows your post to a small chunk of your audience at first. If your post attracts people and gains adequate likes, share and comments, algorithm shows it to a bigger percentage of your audience. If the attraction is well-enough, the post remains at the top of the feed and reaches to more people or it may be pushed down by the system on failing to attract.

2. Relationship: Now you know that user engagement is one of the important keys to know on how Instagram works, it also important to know who’re the people to receive your post at first. Instagram’s algorithm determines your relationship with your audience through various factors. Your relationship is determined by your engagement with your friends’ account like you often comment on someone’s post. Also, if you do direct shares and search people’s profile direct by their names, it establishes a relationship and helps algorithm to work better.
3. Relevance: Instagram’s algorithm is designed to work in a way to keep you on its app scrolling. To make sure it happens, it has to show you what you like to see. Algorithm observes your likes and dislikes, your area of interest and all the content that you spend most of your time with. For example, if you are a food lover, it would show you the posts related to cooking and food around places. Same way, it shows relevant posts to travelers and people with other interests.
4. Timeliness: Although, it is understood that Instagram doesn’t follow the chronological order to show you the posts on your feed anymore. However, timeliness is also a key part of how Instagram works. Once algorithm takes care of all the other parts of working, it shows you the relevant posts that are uploaded recently. The factor of recent posts appearing on top is another way of its working.
Now that you know how Instagram works, you must’ve understood that Instagram’s algorithm is smart enough to sense your likes and dislikes to keep you scrolling. Although, spending a lot of time on social media is not at all appreciated, but if you’re spending a little time to cool-off, its Instagram’s algorithm that up-scales your mood by showing you the content you love to see. If you know some more interesting facts about Instagram, do let us know in the comments below.

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