In this post, I’m reviewing Raiid >>
What is Raiid?
Raid is an automated affiliate marketing tool.
Raiid assists with 3 steps of affiliate marketing:
1. Research – Selecting a product
2. Content Generation – Creating pre-sell content
3. Traffic Generation – Driving visitors to pre-sell content
The research step helps you to select a Clickbank product to promote. This is where you need to do a bit of work. Albeit, Raiid speeds this research up significantly…
Beyond that, you simply add a keyword and the software does the rest.
The way Raiid works is very clever…
The software sources high quality related content (i.e. articles) from elsewhere online and adds your affiliate link to them.
Those articles are posted on your CBA Hubs – essentially a platform created automatically by Raiid…
Raiid then syncs that content across high traffic social networks for maximum exposure, all completely automatically!
Can you make money with Raiid?
Yes, you can make affiliate sales with Raiid.
The software drives traffic to content with your affiliate links, that’s the bottom line.
Of course, as with all automation software, some of the content that Raiid generates might not be absolutely perfect.
On that basis, it would be naive to think you can expect the same conversion rates as if this was all being done manually by a fantastic persuasive writer…
But when we’re talking totally automated, Raiid does a really good job of knitting everything together and sending targeted visitors through your affiliate links…
Does Raiid work? Absolutely.
Raiid executes the 3 steps that are promised on the sales page. As far as automated affiliate marketing goes, i’ve yet to see any other software do the individual steps as well as Raiid.
Who create Raiid?
Raiid is developed and marketed by seasoned affiliates Mark Bishop, Vekata Ramana and Nakul N.
What I like about Raiid is that the guys behind it are genuine affiliates and their primary objective for creating the software was for their own use, rather than for profit.
Like any entrepreneurs, they then saw the value in selling the software to others, which makes perfect sense as Clickbank is such a huge affiliate network with massive amounts of sales being made daily.
In Summary…
Do you need Raiid to succeed as an affiliate? No, you can do all of Raiid’s automated steps manually should you wish to.
Will Raiid save you time and make your life easier? Absolutely.
In my opinion Raiid will be particularly useful for newbies looking to make their first affiliate sale and those looking to make some cash on the side from affiliate marketing.
Those of you looking to make a full time living will benefit from the tool as well, but I believe best results would be achieved by using the software in tandem with other methods.
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