Diploma in Business Administration | Free | Online Diploma | Alison Partners
Effective and efficient business administration is essential to a healthy-functioning organisation and this free online Diploma in Business Administration teaches you some essential administrative duties involved in business administration and which skills are necessary to deliver a high-quality service.
You will learn all about business operations, which processes you may be involved in as a business administrator and customer service basics.
The administration function within an organisation is critical to many broader business activities and there are specialist skills required to perform optimally and contribute to business success.
In this free online Diploma in Business Administration, you will learn some of the basic equipment and competencies needed to be a business administrator within a customer-facing environment.
Phone systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated and this free business management course covers some of the key features of different phone systems as well as how to make, receive and transfer calls to maintain good communication.
You will also analyze the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication. Business operations are then analyzed including what processes you may be involved with and how to work in a team of different types of people, which brings its own set of challenges.
This business administration certification will discuss essential administrative duties and the role of technology in fulfilling these duties.
You will learn the purpose of the chairperson in a meeting, their formal responsibilities and the arrangements and actions of the business administrator which includes planning and organising meetings as well as follow-up actions.
The course content discusses business travel, how to obtain travel-related information, business travel policies and how to stay within budget.
Good customer service is another important part of business operations and this course will teach you how to handle customer issues, how to treat customers, how to use product knowledge and expertise to deliver tailored customer service as well as how customer and consumer expectations can be met.
Content discussed in this administration management course covers situation-specific company guidelines, induction, training and corporate communications updates.
Content then explored is product and service quality and how maintaining high standards avoids customer losses and complaints.
In the last part of this course, the production of high-quality documents is discussed in detail along with different types of documents and processes you might be involved in and the reasons and benefits of using supportive technology such as Microsoft (MS) Office.
If you want to learn comprehensive and effective business administration skills and are a student looking to learn new skills or an administration professional wanting to refine their competencies, then start this Diploma in Business Administration today.
What You Will Learn In This Free Course:
- Define the role of a business administrator and their duties in any company or organization.
- Describe different methods of good communication in a business.
- Explain how to maintain security and confidentiality at work.
- Explain procedures for disposal of hazardous materials.
- Discuss how to use a diary system.
- Describe the task of taking minutes at meetings.
- Explain the types of products and services relevant to external customers.
- Describe how to monitor and evaluate services to external customers.
- Explain the purpose of producing high quality and attractive documents in a business environment.
- Describe the reasons and benefits behind using Microsoft Office
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Shehzad Qureshi
Entrepreneur & Group CEO
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